Sunday, 11 October 2009
Christmas Present for Bridge Players
If you have a friend or family member who is learning to play bridge, then give them a No Fear Bridge membership voucher.
The No Fear Bridge membership site has lots of fun, interactive hands to practice bridge bidding and play, quizzes, a progress chart, handouts, hands of the day. New activities are constantly being added to the site.
A year's membership will give your loved one full access to the site so they can practice their bridge bidding and play in the comfort of their own home.
This is a fabulous way to build bridge playing confidence between lessons or club sessions.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Bridge bidding practice
- Each week at No Fear Bridge there is a quiz to help you practice bridge bidding. Each quiz has 20 questions with four multiple choice answers. There is a leaderboard - you can have fun trying to beat the competition into first place.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Bridge classes
Monday, 13 July 2009
Losing Trick Count
What is the Losing Trick Count?
- You should only use the Losing Trick Count if you have already established that you and your partner have an 8 card fit.
- You don't count more losing tricks per suit than the number of cards held in that suit, and you never count more than three per suit.
How to count your losing tricks
Ace is a winner. K and all other cards as a singleton = 1 losing trick
AK = no losing tricks. Ax or Kx = 1 losing trick, all other combinations = 2 losing tricks
AKQ = no losing tricks. AKx, AQx, KQx = 1 losing trick, Axx, Kxx and Qxx = 2 losing tricks, all other combinations = 3 losing tricks
Some Examples
Holding a singleton
Holding a doubleton
Applying The Losing Trick Count
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
ACOL Bridge Scoring
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Learn ACOL bridge bidding with the Weekly Quiz
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Bridge Jargon
Like any game - the game of bridge has its jargon. This can be daunting for beginners - struggling to learn how to play and learn the meaning of terms. At the No Fear Bridge membership site you will find a printable glossary of terms to help you.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
No Trump Rebids
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Practice your bridge bidding
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Responder's Second Bid
With this quiz you are given 10 questions to help you practice. You can take the quiz several times as you won't be given the same questions each time.
When you make a mistake, you are given a clear explanation of why your answer was wrong. Here's an example:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Learn Bridge Bidding
You can use this practice exercise as many times as you want to improve your responding. Each time you will be given a selection of 12 hands from the 24 available. Plenty of variety to keep you interested and a different selection every time.
You can choose to include the Stayman convention, or to exclude it.
Monday, 2 February 2009
Andrew Robson visits No Fear Bridge Club
Sunday, 1 February 2009
How Acol Got its Name
Friday, 30 January 2009
ACOL Bridge Bidding Practice
There are now, quite literally, thousands of Acol bridge practice hands on the site. There are daily hands, weekly quizzes and interactive tutorials on virtually every aspect of Acol bridge. There is even an advancer's zone now. A perfect way to challenge yourself!
The most popular areas of the site, remain those aimed at beginners and improvers with the daily Acol bridge practice hands being played by thousands of members.
Original Post from 2009:
Want to practice ACOL bridge bidding? This is an exerpt from one of the many bridge bidding practice exercises on the No Fear Bridge membership site. It's fun and interactive and the *** latest feature *** (sorry, couldn't resist the asterisks there) is audio to explain incorrect choices.
The great thing about this site is that if you choose a wrong answer you are always given a clear explanation of why the answer is wrong. Which is a fantastic way to learn.
The suggested bidding uses basic Acol (Standard English) with Strong Twos, Stayman and Blackwood. No Transfers.
Can you bid them all correctly first time?!
- Audio feedback for incorrect bids.
- Automatically checks if hand bid correctly and removes it.
- Incorrectly bid hands are repeated at the end of the set so you can try again and work on your weaknesses.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Stimulate Brain Activity - Play Bridge
Monday, 26 January 2009
Improve Your Immune System - Play Bridge
Playing bridge stimulates the dorsolateral cortex. For the study, 12 women in their 70s and 80s were asked to play bridge for 90 minutes. Then their blood was tested. Two thirds of the women had significantly increased levels of T cells in their body. It is the T cells that attack foreign cells in the body.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Learn to play bridge for a happy, healthy retirement
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Opening the Bidding
Friday, 23 January 2009
How to play mini bridge (lesson 2)
You have 8 (or more) cards in hearts or spades:
1. If you have an ‘8 card fit’ (this means at least 8 cards between your hand and dummy) in hearts or spades. Choose that suit as trumps.
(ª (hearts) or « (spades) scores 30 points per trick)
You DON’T have 8 (or more cards in hearts or spades):
(NT scores 40 for the first trick and 30 for subsequent tricks)
(¨ (clubs) or © (diamonds) score only 20 per trick)
See page 4 and 5 of the booklet about scoring. (Join the mailing list to download the FREE booklet)
If your points add up to 25 or more your targets will be:
No Trump 9 tricks (3NT)
ª or « 10 tricks (4ª/4«)
¨ or © 11 tricks (5¨/5¨) note because you have to make 11 tricks you really need more like 27+ points
(these are called ‘game’ contracts)
If your points don’t add up to 25 your targets will be:
No Trump 7 tricks 1NT
ª or « 7 tricks (1ª/1«)
¨ or © 7 tricks (1¨/1©)
(these are called ‘part score’ contracts)
Thursday, 22 January 2009
How to Play Mini Bridge (lesson 1)
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Learn to Play Bridge on a Bridge Holiday
Friday, 16 January 2009
Responding to one of a suit

Anyone can be a millionnaire on the No Fear Bridge website. The membership area has a set of fun, millionaire quizzes to help you practice your bidding.
Just answer 15 questions correctly and you can win a million points!
No need to worry if you get an answer wrong. You are given an explanation of why your answer was wrong and then you can restart the quiz.
Learn and have fun at the same time. Join today and get a completely FREE, no obligation, two week trial.