Wednesday 3 August 2016


If you are playing contract bridge you will find that in 50% of the hands your partnership is vulnerable.  This isn't a reflection on your skill as a player, it is a bridge convention.

Tell Me About Duplicate Bridge Vulnerability?

Vulnerability is a convention that affects the scoring at the end of each game.  When a partnership is vulnerable there are positive and/or negative effects on the score.  If you bid for and make your contract, then the bonus you receive increases.  You also receive a greater bonus for bidding and making a small slam or  grand slam.

If you fail to make your contract when  your partnership is vulnerable then the penalty for losing increases.

Conversely a pair will lose extra points if they fail to make a contract when vulnerable.

In duplicate bridge, which partnership(s) is vulnerable is predetermined by the director when the boards are dealt.  The vulnerability will rotate and there are four combinations.

Both sides can be vulnerable.  Neither side can be vulnerable. E/W can be vulnerable.  N/S can be vulnerable.

Bridge vulnerability
Rotating vulnerability in contract bridge
Here is an example of how vulnerability may rotate around the 16 boards usually dealt at a contract bridge club. (This picture is courtesy of Leigh Harding who runs No Fear Bridge)

Whether or not you are vulnerable may affect how you bid.  Mostly the bidding will proceed as normal, especially in an uncontested auction, but there may be situations when you think twice about your bid.

For example: Be mindful that if you fail to achieve your contract when vulnerable the other partnership will gain extra point.

Remember that the other side will gain extra points if they are vulnerable.  There may be situations where you feel  you should outbid them when otherwise you wouldn't if you believe that the your penalty for losing would be less than their bonus if they won the contract whilst vulnerable.

If you'd like to learn more about vulnerability and how it effects scoring, head over to No Fear Bridge.  The vulnerability handout is in the membership area and you can join for a two week free trial  (There is no obligation and no forced continuity. No credit card or other financial details are required unless you decide to become a full member.  You can also read how being vulnerable might affect your bidding strategy.

Potential UK/Ireland/NZ members can sigh up  HERE
Potential US and Rest of the World members sign up HERE

Sunday 17 July 2016

A Playing Card Holder Can Help If You Have A Disability

Many bridge players belong to the older generation.  It's a fun way of meeting friends whilst keeping your brain active.

Many people decide to move when they retire.  It's an opportunity to move to that country town or seaside location that you've always fancied.  The downside can be that you leave behind family and friends and find that you don't know anyone in your new location.  If you play bridge you can a good opportunity to meet new friends.  Most towns have a bridge club and if you move into a retirement complex you might find a bridge group on site.  You will quickly find new friends and might find yourself in demand as a bridge partner.

One downside of increasing age can be stiffness in your hands, arms or shoulders which might make holding your hand of cards more difficult.  Many people have a chronic illness or disability that weakens their hands or makes holding cards difficult.  A neurological problem might cause shaky hands and a broken wrist or elbow could mean you temporarily unable to use a hand.

None of these issues need stop you from playing bridge so long as you are able to attend  in person.  This is where a playing card can help.  You don't have to hold your cards and you only need one hand to sort them and place them in the holder.  Simply place the cards in the holder and remove them one at a time as you want to play them.  You might find a curved holder helps you keep your cards private from the other players.

There are a few different types of holders, so take a look and see which one would suit you best.  Some hold the cards in a fan shape and many are plastic or wooden racks into which you slot the cards.  Some are straight and some curved.

Your illness, injury or disability doesn't have to be a barrier that stops you taking part in the game you love. Why not take this opportunity to learn to play bridge or improve your bridge bidding and playing skills at No Fear Bridge UK or No Fear Bridge US.

The Rule of 7

The Rule of 7 is an interesting and little known rule. Why am I writing about a rule that no-one has heard of? Because someone requested that I write about it.

I had to do some research because, I have to be honest, I'd never heard of it. It seems there may be a good reason for that: yes, it exists but hardly anyone uses it.

It's quite a simple rule and easy to learn and implement. Probably no-one uses it because there are other ways of achieving the same outcome.

What is the Rule of 7?
It is used in one situation only - when the contract is 3NT.

It is used by Declarer after the opposing partnership have made their lead. Do you want to win the trick, assuming that you can, or would it be better to lose the trick intentionally? If it is better to lose (duck or hold up) once, how many times should declarer do so, before playing a winning card?

The Rule of 7 is one of way of deciding this. It's simple. Declarer adds up the number of cards in the suit held in both their own hand and Dummy's hand and deducts the total from 7. The answer is the number of times that they should deliberately lose the trick.

The rule is usually used if you hold the Ace as your only stopper in the suit, although it would work if you hold the King and the opposition play the Ace in the first round.

It seems this rule was developed independently by two different bridge players. Robert Berthe from France, who is also the author of several books on bridge, and Gerald Fox from California. I'm not sure if two people developing the same rule shows that there was a need for it, or whether it shows that they were finding a way of putting into words a concept that many players use without realising.

Do Others Need To Know If I'm Using It?
The short answer is "yes".

If you decide to use the rule when you are playing, make sure that your partner is aware of it and also uses it. If you are playing in a club or tournament, then you should speak to the director to find out if it is alertable. If you are asked to fill in a convention card, then include the fact that you will be using the Rule of 7.
This is a fairly simple rule to learn and one that is probably most helpful for beginning and improving players. If you'd like to learn more about playing the game of bridge, and practice and learn online, go to No Fear Bridge

Saturday 23 January 2016

Duplicate Bridge Scoring

Is there a difference between contract bridge and duplicate bridge?  If so, is there a difference in the scoring?

Contract bridge is named because before each game of bridge is played, a round of bidding takes place to agree on the "contract" in which that game will be played.  For example, 1NT (one no trumps), 3H (three hearts).

Duplicate bridge is the same game.  It is generally played in a club setting where several pairs of bridge players meet.  The hands are pre-dealt.  At the end of each game the cards are replaced in their holders and passed to another table to be played.  Hence the name "duplicate".  Each table in the room will play the same hands, rotated around the room.

The added "bonus" of playing duplicate bridge in a club session is the possibility of earning masterpoints.  Serious bridge players can work towards becoming a Bridge Master or even a Grand Master.  For more information on masterpoints, see the English Bridge Union website  or the American Contract Bridge League