Friday 30 January 2009

ACOL Bridge Bidding Practice

Edit:  I wrote this post nearly 4 years ago (it's Octo 2012 as I'm writing this).  It's hard to believe just how much this site has grown in the last few years.  More amazing is how much No Fear Bridge has grown - click here to take your 2 week trial and see for yourself.

There are now, quite literally, thousands of Acol bridge practice hands on the site. There are daily hands, weekly quizzes and interactive tutorials on virtually every aspect of Acol bridge.  There is even an advancer's zone now.  A perfect way to challenge yourself!

The most popular areas of the site, remain those aimed at beginners and improvers with the daily Acol bridge practice hands being played by thousands of members.

Original Post from 2009:
Want to practice ACOL bridge bidding?  This is an exerpt from one of the many bridge bidding practice exercises on the No Fear Bridge membership site.  It's fun and interactive and the *** latest feature *** (sorry, couldn't resist the asterisks there) is audio to explain incorrect choices.
The great thing about this site is that if you choose a wrong answer you are always given a clear explanation of why the answer is wrong.  Which is a fantastic way to learn.
Here is a set of 12 mixed bidding hands selected at random from a set of 24.  Quite a few of them will require good knowledge of overcalling.

The suggested bidding uses basic Acol (Standard English) with Strong Twos, Stayman and Blackwood. No Transfers.

Can you bid them all correctly first time?!
  • Audio feedback for incorrect bids.
  • Automatically checks if hand bid correctly and removes it.
  • Incorrectly bid hands are repeated at the end of the set so you can try again and work on your weaknesses.
If you want to practice your bridge bidding, the No Fear Bridge site offers a FREE two week trial.  Try it now.

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